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Chinese translation for "fire ward"


Related Translations:
ward cunningham:  沃德坎宁安
cancer ward:  癌症部
pediatric ward:  儿科病房
ward inspection:  病室巡诊
lower wards:  下层延伸区
stunt wards:  特技大赛
neonatal ward:  新生儿病房
ward bed:  平型病床
oncology ward:  肿瘤病房
ward churchill:  华德丘吉尔
Example Sentences:
1.Using low ranks of fire ward and frost ward spell will now be penalized the same way healing spells are penalized
2.Fire ward : using low ranks of this spell is now properly penalized like other healing spells are penalized
3.Fire ward and frost ward now gain additional benefit from spell damage bonuses . base absorb values of ranks 5 and 6 have been reduced
4.Cold snap ( frost ) cooldown reduced . it is now in the ice block position in the talent tree . this ability will no longer reset the cooldown on fire ward
“急速冷却” (冰霜天赋)的冷却时间降低。现在它被移动到天赋树中“寒冰屏障”的位置。此技能不再能够重置“火焰防护结界”的冷却时间。
5.Cold snap ( frost ) cooldown reduced . it is now in the ice block position in the talent tree . this ability will no longer reset the cooldown on fire ward
2法师“急速冷却” (冰霜天赋)的冷却时间降低。现在它被移动到天赋树中“寒冰屏障”的位置。此技能不再能够重置“火焰防护结界”的冷却时间。
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